Geiger Gary is a stealth-based platformer where you radiate your enemies in the hopes of surviving long enough to get revenge on those who wronged you.

This was a game was developed for the 2025 Pirate Software game jam!

The version here is the version of Geiger Gary we meant to submit. We fixed an issue with the Godot web export that was causing our game to not load in browser. We also made two, tiny bug fixes after the jam cutoff. 

One was a scripting change on the final boss to let you see the whole animation before the end cutscene played (our artists did incredible work and you should see it)

Two was a menu bug that can happen with Godot that we fixed up.

Otherwise this is the Gary we wanted to share with you all. Thanks!

Runs best in Chrome

Published 3 hours ago
AuthorsCull Sans, nukesniper
Made withGodot
TagsGodot, Hand-drawn, Low-poly, No AI, Noir, Stealth

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